Rosalie wrote:

> People who teach their children to murder, all in the name of religion
> are indeed evil , no matter what their race.

This is what turned me around 1000 percent - seeing people encouraging their
own children to go and commit suicide by blowing themselves up while killing
other innocents. Parents who then receive a cash reward for encouraging the
act.  It has not been fashionable for a long time to say something is "evil"
but if these events don't convince one that there is such a thing as real
unspeakable evil, then I don't know what else will.  As I mentioned before -
I've always tended to be sypaththetic to the Palestinians.  In some ways, I
still will but not because I believe the Israelis have been the cause of
their plight, but rather because it has become astoundingly clear to me that
they have been despicably used by Arafat and others who are anti-Israel,
blatantly anti-Jewish and anti-democratic.


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