I agree Rosalie.  That is too simplistic and redneck to say all Arabs are 
evil.  And I have not heard or seen written on this list, that anyone hates 
all Arabs or Palestinians for that matter.  It is NOT racist because I or 
others side more with Israel.  The same if you side more with the 
Palestinians:Does this make you anti-Semitic?  Of course not!!  IT is pure 
evil when the Palestinians teach their Children hate. ( Hey mommy, when I 
grow up I want to be a suicide bomber.....just like aunt Anyname ) But 
again,not all Arabs/middle east/ teach hate.  And some want a peaceful 
solution.  To co-exist with their neighbors:Israel.


>    What Mack stated has nothing to do with racism. His opinion is shared 
>by many. People who teach their children to murder, all in the name of 
>religion are indeed evil , no matter what their race. If the Pals could 
>wipe out Isreal in a day they would do so and call it a job well done. This 
>is evil at it's worst, that is plain to see.
>                                             Rosalie
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