Well Bob, it did indeed work and made for a very happy surprise for me this 
morning. Thank you so very very much. I'm sincerely thrilled to have this. 
All I Want has always been one of my favorite songs and I'm touched to have 
this historical version. 

 I guess it's time to introduce myself properly. Hi. I'm Cairn and I'm a 
musi-holic. I can't get enough. I want it all the time. When I'm not around 
it live (or in Memorex), it seem to always be in my head. My dad (who was 
murdered a couple of years ago) was a musician and my mom was a belly dancer. 
I kind of ran from wanting to play music as fast as my little legs could 
carry me, seeing a lot of the shadows and hardships of that life. Strangely 
enough when my dad died something in me screamed to start playing piano, 
which I did. My style is minimalistic and though I have a little a trio, I 
don't see myself as a musician...a performance artist perhaps, definitely a 
poet/storyteller...still trying to figure all that  packaging/boxing of self 
  I'm turning 30 this summer, and while my musical taste is quite varied and 
far reaching, (everything from the Grateful Dead (and family) to Black 
Sabbath, Kid Rock, Bob Marley, Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Carole King, Ray 
Charles, Tom Waits, Tori Amos, PJ Harvey, Captain Beefheart, Prince...really 
could go on and on, but don't want to be tedious, just want to give a hint of 
myself), Joni has certainly carved herself a place right there in the heart 
of it.
  My first Joni album was Blue (when I was 17...and pregnant. Little Green 
owned me that year. My son turned 12 this year and I included it on his 
Birthday CD), then Court and Spark, Turbulent Indigo and Hejira. My Joni 
collection is rounded out with Night Ride Home, Dog Eat Dog,  Mingus and Both 
Sides Now and a few single songs I've managed to aquire through the trading 
of mixed CD's and tapes over the years. I must say after reading posts on 
this list for a while now, I'm on a bit of a mission to aquire Song to a 
Seagull, Hissing of Summer Lawns and Run for the Roses (how many albums does 
she actually have anyway?)
  About this place; it seems quite special. I'm not a very list joining 
person. A lot of the archives for a lot of lists I've read seem so full of 
crazy petiteness (none of which seem to exist here) that again, I want to run 
as fast as I can in the other cyber direction. I really enjoy it here. I'm 
thrilled to be gifted with such a fine and knowledgeable, kind group of 
people to help me develop a more intimate knowledge of Joni.

  The web site is absolutely beautiful, though I know I've been through but a 
fraction of it and Les, I just love Today's Articles and Today in History. 
I've really been enjoying that feature of this place. It is so very very 
special. Thank you.

  That must be it for now. Thank you for being her, thank you for having 
me...and Bob double extra thank you's with sprinkles on top for this amazing 
original All I want.
 Until next time...

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