Hi, Vince.  We went to S-M on Friday evening with a large group and 
although I made a point of getting there way early, somehow ended up 
watching the show from the second row.  (Long story.)  I agree with you on 
many of your "holes" in the movie and had some of my own.  Having become 
fairly well-informed about the original comics because of my 5-year-old 
son's fascination with Batman and Spider-Man comics, in the original comic, 
Peter Parker designed his own web shooter and sewed his own costume.  In 
the movie, the web shooting is introduced as part of the result of the 
spider bite he gets and he just shows up in the slick-looking costume, 
which I thought looked great.  (And I loved those beautiful drawings, 
probably originals by Stan Lee and the other gentleman responsible for the 
comic.)  I read part of a review either in People or Entertainment Weekly 
in which the director said they didn't want to show Peter Parker sewing. 
 Huh?  I think I would have preferred seeing him working out the science 
experiment and making his costume from scratch.  Also, in the comic, Peter 
Parker/Spider-Man is also a lot more witty and sarcastic with his foes.  I 
thought that was sorely missing in the movie.  The Green Goblin, while very 
well done by DaFoe (sp?) was so over-the-top creepy, it kind of negated the 
opportunity for humor.  And the last patriotic scene I felt was a cheesy 
last-minute add-on after the Sept. 11 attack.  But all that aside, I too 
enjoyed it very much and thought the characters were great.  I'm sure we'll 
be at the sequels too!  Thanks for sharing your comments.


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