> Your posts are one of the reasons the JMDL is the lively and unique place
> that it is.

I'm going to chime in here with a big ME TOO!  Colin always has something
interesting to say & I agree with him more often than not.  There's not a
mean or evil bone in his body.  Stay with us, Colin.  Listen to Carly's 'In
Honor of You, George' a few times - 'How can I go on when every thought
hurts....I will go home, I will try again, catch the train, catch another
breath...'  She was down when she wrote that but she got back up on that

> But I do know this -- people who post anything political or controversial
> here do run the risk of being treated much more rudely than would be the
> in a face-to-face situation.

I've been doing something over the past few days that I've never done
before.  I've been deliberately deleting posts without reading them.
Anything with 'Middle East' in the subject line has gone directly into my
trash file.  I just don't have the heart for the strife that comes with this
particular subject anymore.  So I don't really know what happened.  But I
have read Colin's recent 'apology' and his latest post and Colin, I want you
to know that I support you both publicly and privately.  We would all lose
someone very valuable to our community if you left us.

Mark E in Seattle

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