--- Sensitive Mike Pritchard, in his sensitive way wrote: 

> 3. as someone else said, and I repeat here, one person's point of
> view,
> opinion, way of seeing the world etc is just exactly that; that
> person's
> pov, opinion etc. It's not a universal truth. Let's try to inform,
> not
> insult; let's try to find a common ground, not polarise our
> positions;
> when agreement is impossible, as it seems to be in some areas here,
> let's
> try to agree to disagree.

I liked your post Mike, wise words for certain. I especially liked the
part about agreeing to disagree, read: respect what someone else feels
and let it go. 

Mags, who is always sensitive and sometimes 'too' sensitive, who really
restrains herself from her own way-too-sensitive knee jerk reactions by
not writing as much as she used to ;-)

besides, Im too busy packing up my apartment :~PPPPP

just read: Last Seen by Matt Cohen...absolutely brilliant Canadian

now reading: Typing. A Life in 26 keys, by Matt Cohen as well as In the
Skin of the Lion, Michael Ondaatje. 

most recent Joni: Dog Eat Dog...okay okay, it's not THAT bad ! 

npimh from aforementioned most recent listening...

Lucky Girl
damn right! 

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You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
Yahoo! Shopping - Mother's Day is May 12th!

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