Dear Joni Lovers:

I found Mike's post very timely because his thoughts are exactly what I 
having been discussing off list with several people for the last couple of 

I'll start by pointing out what I think are the differences here than the 
world at large......  (or some ways not an exact microcosm )

1.  Colorful,wacky,shameless,people...and I don't mean these adjectives 
pejoratively at all.  I get here where I can get it nowhere else: that is, a 
little different take on life,sometimes to the absurd,but I like that.

2.  This goes without saying,but the shear love and appreciation of Joni.  
Everyone here understands.....I still find this so incredible.

(I can write FTR or Siquomb or" you know there maybe more" and people here 
know instantly what you are referring to.  This is truly wonderful!!)

3.  I find people here particularly generous.  Maybe a tad more than outside 
of here.  Of course, this could be because of their enthusiasm of wanting to 
share there little corner of Joni.

4.  People here are more in the know,up to date,if you will.  Oh yeah,the 
erudite posts.  Especially the the ones containing thoughts on music.  I am 
so ignorant when it comes to music theory/structure etc..  And I feel 
sometimes I am getting lessons and how lucky.....I'm not paying a dime.
(I print many of these posts out and I share them with people outside of 
here....oh and some of the funny ones too.  The Sunset Boulevard  post comes 
to mind. )

And you know there maybe more.....

BUT, BUT!!   (you knew this was coming)

1.  I find the political correctness here runs rampant at times.  And people 
just dive on statements,that I will overlook because I know that the person 
was not quite as succinct as they should have been.

(Do you think if someone were a true racist they would share this with the 
JMDL?  I don't think so!!  And a true racist, I would gamble, would not be 
here to begin with. )

2.  I was asked when I first joined, how I could possibly be a Joni fan when 
I was so far to the right on the political spectrum.  ( this was off list)  
I still don't know why I was even asked such a question. (Here is your 

3.  Several months ago there was a concern brought up by a lister and her 
post for the most part was completely ignored.  Her post was very heartfelt 
and I thought had some legitimate grievances.  But it was summarily 
dismissed,case closed..and that was it!!  Her post involved two separate 
issues one which did involve a legal question.  But her other concerns were 
completely ignored.

4.  At times, I have been so disappointed and disillusioned just like I am 
outside of the list.  But my whole world was shaken for a hile.....and so 
everything was tainted.  And most of my disillusionment did not involve the 
list in general.

BUT........even at times you know you want to leave know you 
would miss it.....and you stay.....


>  I think the people on this list (as in almost every reasonably-sized
>group) are representative of society in general and therefore we include
>people who are sensitive, insensitive and over-sensitive. In fact, all of
>us are probably sensitive, insensitive and over-sensitive at different
>times in our lives, indeed probably every day.
>people, but I will at least start to apply these principles to my own
>writings to the list. After all, 'A journey of a thousand steps starts
>with a single step'. Actually the quote is not my own writing, as you
>smartasses will no doubt know ;-)
>mike in bcn
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