> You then replied (in part):
> > I'm sorry to hear some people want to stay ignorant.
> Were you trying to insult me?

Very perceptive of you Anne.  Although in this instance and in its context,
you were not engaging in the debate, unlike Vince to whom this post was

Conversely, this is absolutely terrific: someone says they delete all my
posts on politics without reading and I'm NOT supposed to feel insulted?
And when I make an anonymous blanket reply then I'm the one who's insulting
"pompous" (not your word, but Les').  Gee weez where have I been all this

You didn't have the
> courage and integrity to do so directly. I guess
> actions do speak louder than words.

I'd rather say I had the decency not to attack you personally on JMDL after
insulted in the worst possible way.
You didn't say that you were not interested in politics nor in the middle
east, which is your privilege.  You said that all posts on politics from ME
are deleted.  So if that's not insulting then what is?

I do wish to remain
> ignorant of your opinions, as they are just that. I
> prefer to get my information from recognized, reliable
> news organizations, however slanted you may think they
> are.

All I ever wish is that people read 1 book before engaging in discussions on
subject matters they know very little about.  Not that I have the one and
only truth.
But I just don't feel there is a meaningful dialogue when one side relays
the simplistic and often biased info from the media and claims to know what
they're talking about.
I don't claim to know much about lots of things, and you'll never catch me
talking about something I don't know (Ireland, abortion, etc).

Again, Anne, you were not engaging in the debate so it's really none of my
business which info you chose to get or whether you read posts on subject
matters that do not interest you.

But yes you insulted me and I replied. Enough said.


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