From "The Indestructible Truth:  The Living Spirituality of Tibetan
Buddhism" by Reginald A. Ray (c) 2000 Shambala Publications, Inc.   "Through
the methods of Tantric meditation, one's usual, habitual, ego-centered
patterns of body, speech, and mind are temporarily replaced by patterns
of non-ego or enlightened body, speech, and mind of a Buddha.  This
destabilizes our ego's mechanisms.  The ego's usual "total lock" on
experience is disrupted.  One begins to become more and more uncertain
about who one is or what one is doing.  This provides gaps in the ego's
shell, and the Buddha-nature can begin to shine through.  The more it
shines through, the more shaky and impotent the ego becomes.  The more
ego-centered conciousness begins to dissolve, the stronger the light of
the Buddha-nature becomes.  It is a process that accelerates the further
it goes along."            --- Victor Johnson--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]"Roses
wait for the springtime,They sleep beneath the ground.They hear March
winds a callin'For the sun to come around."vlj Visit 

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