How insentive (just saw Pat Metheny in Amsterdam doing a brilliant version
of this Joao Gilberto classic):

Lieve wrote:
>> one thing I would never want to do is generalise, even as a
child I refused to join in the telling of jokes about the "Hollanders" (hi
John, surely feminists can be sweethearts?!)

Yes? Name five, then. :-)


Bob wrote:
>>When I told my sister that I was on a JM discussion list, her immediate
response was "Oh my, I would imagine that Joni fans are people who feel
things very deeply!"...and I think that was a right-on statement. I think
we're much more sensitive than the world at large.

Jerry's retort:
>>And much better looking!

Where have YOU been for the past 5 years???
In this group, I go for the character, deep thinking and the intelligence.
Now, in the Michelle Pfeiffer Discussion List, we go for character, wit,
intelligence, feminism AND looks. Never for deep thinking.


Joni's sexiest song:
Je t'aime (moi non plus)  - although her voice is already a bit hampered by
the early signs of smoke damage on the vocal chords.


Mike wrote:
>>To say that Britney Spears is a greater songwriter and singer than Joni
Mitchell is an idiotic remark.

??? By which standards???
Anyone who manages to get the entire world to sing "Oops ... " must be a
fabulous songwriter by my standards.



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