Mike wrote:

>> It is said that Elvis Costello once said (or is alleged to have
said) that Ray Charles was 'a blind ignorant nigger'. This is not the
Costello I love and I'm sure it's not what he believes, and maybe it's
not even true that he said it. Whatever: if he said it, it was clearly a
racist remark but I don't think Costello is a racist on the strength of
one remark'. There are remarks and there are remarks, but one slip (for
whatever reason) should not normally condemn anyone permanently as an
idiot, or racist, sexist or whatever. <<

So true. There is also the element: listening to/reading what is said/written
or listening to /reading what you WANT to hear/read. It's so easy to single
elements out. I once interviewed one of the captains of industry in this
country for a long in-depth (inter)view on the moral side of business. The
conversation came to "intelligence". He mentioned that he liked doing IQ tests
and then he literally said: "I have an IQ of 164." It was one sentence in an
interview that lasted 4 hours over a period of 2 days and it was not at all
out of context. It would have made a perfect headline. a) he said it; and b)
it would draw the readers to read the article. But it would have made him a
laughing stock. It would have branded him as a pompous asshole, which he was
by no means. I decided to omit the entire passage. Later, I thought about why
I omitted it. The only reason I could come up with was - I liked the man.
Would I do the same with someone like George Double You? Fat chance. But then
again, what would his score be?

Would you have defended the remark when it hadn't been made by the
impressively talented and probably sensitive Elvis Costello (talking about
'blind' -- he must have lost his glasses at the time of the remark) but by
someone like Jim Carey, Ralph Nader, or Andre Agassi?

Even in irony?

Just wondering in general ...
Also: Being called something ... does that mean that you ARE ?

An afterthought
I think it was Thomas Mann who once said (I quote from memory): "If you get
two hours of compliments, you think about them for 2 minutes. If you get 2
minutes of criticism, you will think about it for two hours. Why?"


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