

>>>>>Mark E in Seattle
>>>>>To tell you the honest truth, I don't know a whole lot
about Bonnie except that I knew she was the Bonnie of Bonnie & Delaney
& Friends and then I remembered reading about this incident with Elvis
Costello. I believe she appeared on a few episodes of 'Roseanne' and that
she sang in one of these. As I remember it was some kind of classic rock
tune with a bluesy bent to it and she sounded

oh wow!! hows that for timing?? i just got back from leave (50+ digests to
catch up on!!) while i was away i picked up my first ever delaney &
bonney cd "home"at a 2nd hand cd shop. tjhe name rang a bell from i dont
know where, & when i looked at the musicians - duck dunn, steve
cropper, booker t jones, i just had to give it a try - really, really
good!!! (tho "piece of my heart" juyst cant live up to the standard janis


also, i read a book called "coyote waits" by tony hillerman. set on an
indian reservation, and delving quite deeply into indian legends, it
explained the significance of coyote in indian legend, as the evil
despoiler, lying in wait, ready to trip men into evil, and generate chaos
in their lives (unfortunately i forgot the book behind so i cant quote

anyhow, it kind of made sense in the context of joni's song coyote. or am i
missing the reference altogether & theres another story behind the


np - victoria williams - "grandpa in the cornpatch" - from "musings of a
creek dipper."

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