Well, I followed Mark's advice and ordered "Wet" from a reputable music online
service but darn it they just cannot seem to get it and have been waiting for
3 months now.  Did get a couple of really good albums there though.  Rosalie
suggested ebay which I had never tried.  Found the album for 99 cents, it was
an LP which I was reticent to get but I won it.  It arrived but the mailman
shoved it into the mailbox so when I got it into the house it was shaped like
one of those records that we accidentally let get too hot: warped.  Remember
those?  I put it in the hottest room in the house under a box and lo and
behold it worked.  It is fabulous.  "on rainy afternoons."  Also found Gene
Cotton "before my heart finds out" which I have wanted for 20 years.  Someone
else took it and now he refuses to give it up.  haha


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