> why do we act like we're not going to die?

Hi Bob. I know this was rhetorical, but I don't think
it's the being dead that's so bad, it's how we get
there. Like, if someone told me "ok, well you have
cancer and some night you'll just go to sleep and won't
wake up but you'll be ok until then" I'd be bummed, but
not terrified. On the other hand, if someone told me
I'd waste away to nothing, be in excruciating pain,
undergo the typical "slash, poison, and burn"
therapies, etc..., well that just scares the sh*t out
of me! So, I think that's why.

BTW, lest anyone think I'm "so close to that line" I
guess I'm not. They say, after a laundry list of FDA
mandated tests, I guess every part of me is incredibly
healthy, except the one tumor site. The irony of that
is just about beyond belief. So, by JoniFest, I'll be
the one with little whiskers, a cute pink nose, beady
eyes, a tail, and white fur. You basic lab animal - one
of 15 such humans turned lab mouse they're testing this
vaccine on. It cured 85% of the real mice... (To the
medically minded, the vaccine uses the protein CYP1B1,
is manufactured by Zycos, and is called ZYC300.)

lots of love

NPIMH: my mantra "you should never see it coming" and
the cute animation that made the rounds of the internet
a few years ago, with the cute alien dancing to "I Will
Survive" only to be suddenly squashed. It was

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