Yes, shockingly she came out against killing children.  Hee hee.  No,
seriously, she's been out of the stab and glare and buckshot of the media's
heavy, heavy snow lately.

She chatted up Kakki and Stephen E. only a few weeks after Sept 11th and
said that she'd been painting up a storm to work through it.  As far as
we've heard though, the new album is completely unencumbered with new songs,
so we'll probably only get sound-bites from Our Lady Of Duality on the

Come to think of it though, the upcoming film about the upcoming album was
made in the weeks following Sept.  (Remember:  The studio dates were in
London in Novemeber.)  So maybe her film biographer asked her the "hard
questions" and we'll soon see.  Hmmmmmmm.

Relayer asked:
>> Has Joni made any statements about the horrible events of 9/11
and the subsequent turmoil and war, that anyone is aware of?I''d like to
what her reactions have been.  thanks.>>

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