Lama wrote in response to Relayer:

> She chatted up Kakki and Stephen E. only a few weeks after Sept 11th and
> said that she'd been painting up a storm to work through it.  As far as
> we've heard though, the new album is completely unencumbered with new
> so we'll probably only get sound-bites from Our Lady Of Duality on the
> topic.

I don't know how long you were gone from the list Relayer, but a couple of
Joni's 9/11 paintings (which appeared in the L.A. Times) are on along with a few comments of how 9/11 turned her/our world
"upside down."

She did sepak to Stephen and I about it, but it was so soon after 9/11, that
I wasn't in a place to quiz her more about her thoughts.  She said that she
broke up with Donald that day (he was here with her in L.A. when the tragedy
happened).  She also placed accountability on "America's export of violence
in films and music."  I thought that was a somewhat unusual take at the
time, but with some perspective now, I am coming around to her point of view
in part.  Certainly many other countries also "export" violent
"entertainment" product, too.  Joni also talked a bit about 9/11 at the
tribute in Toronto, some of which was related here.

It seems to me that discussion of the events of 9/11 has many tendrils, and
I don't think anyone on this earth has all the answers, or even half the
answers yet, including Joni.  I'm sure with more time and reflection, Joni
will have more to say about it.


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