Having left most of my albums in Wales and worn out the cassettes here in
Spain I have been on a long term project of getting CDs of Joni's albums
for some time now. Usually the shops here have so little of her (usually
just Mingus, Hits and Turbulent Indigo) that they never reduce the price,
but the other day I managed to find the Both Sides Now CD (and DVD) as
well as a copy of For The Roses at an irresistible price. I bought both
the CDs but would like to know if the DVD has anything going for it
(extra tracks etc). Apart from that, I was able to listen to FTR for the
first time through good headphones and a quality source and I have to say
that I was really impressed by the album. I then played BSN and heard the
differences in her voice today. I was expecting not to like this CD but
it was much better than I had expected. I am happy with my purchases and
will definitely keep my eyes open for more bargains in the 'early' joni.
I write as a 'middle-period' man, with Hejira as the highpoint but with a
LOT of time for DJRD, Mingus and HOTSL. Leonard Feather's review of
Mingus starts with (quoting from memory, don't sue me) "This is a
wonderful piece of work". I agree entirely and don't know why people
don't 'get' it.
The only joni I don't care for is Wild Things Run Fast. I don't know why
people criticise Dog Eat Dog so much, because, for me, WTRF is far and
away the clunker of the collection.
Anyway, I'll listen to FTR and possibly add my two centims worth when I
get through, maybe even my thoughts on Electricity. Busy with the
'Murder' paper lately so I'm always running behind the times, just like
this train of thought

(Hi Fred, Pat Metheny plays in Barcelona in July, as does the Keith
Jarrett trio and Lou Reed/Laurie Anderson. Want me to say 'Hello' for

(Hi Stephanie, I'd love to talk more re your research but too busy right
now. I'm available off-line anytime. Good luck with everything)

Mike in BCN

NP Ludwig's Tune


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