Regarding Billy Joe MacAllister, Kerry asks:

<< And didn't he jump because he thought he was gay?  I'm just going by the 
movie with Robbie Benson. :>)  I wonder if that's what she intended when she 
wrote the song. >>

I can see throwing Robbie Benson off the Tallahatchie bridge, but not because 
of his sexuality! 

The song never says what was thrown off the bridge. But what would the singer 
and Billy Joe have been throwing off the bridge if he had been questioning 
his sexuality? His pocketbook? A Damron guide? His gay membership card? 

When the song came out -- in simpler times, when everyone would discuss 
something like this for months -- I remember that people most often used to 
guess that they were throwing a miscarried or aborted fetus, some kind of 
birth control pills or device or drugs from the bridge. And if Bobbie Gentry 
ever knew what was chucked over the bridge, I don't think she ever told. 


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