How did you know I'd been thinking about this song lately, Victor?  The band is Rush, 
the song is "Lakeside Park." They're on tour this summer.  I'll be checkin' them out. 
It's a Canadian band...I'm thinking that date must be some kind of Canadian holiday.  

Everyone will gather
On the 24th of May
Gathered in the sands 
To watch the fireworks displaaay
Dancing fires on the beach
Singing songs together
Though it's just a memory
Some memories last forever.

Lakeside Park
Willows in the breeze
Lakeside Park
So many memories...


In a message dated Tue, 4 Jun 2002  6:42:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

>'s an obscure one
> Who knows the answer???
> 24th of May
> Victor

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