--- Kate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Graveyards are a peaceful yet mysterious place. All
> these stories of people
> -- and no way to know them -- really
> I love to walk among the headstones and read them
> and wonder what the person
> beneath the name looked like and what he did and
> what she died from and when
> and of course as a parent the tombstones of children
> tear at my heart

There's a tombstone just a few down from my
mother-in-law's.  On it are the names and birthdates
of two children, a boy and a girl, who, if they had
lived, would be about the same ages as my own two
kids.  They both died on the same day.  Their parents
names and birthdates are on the stone, with dates of
death to be added later.  It always breaks my heart
when I see this and I wonder what happened? Car
accident? Fire? Something very tragic. At
Christmastime, there's always a little Christmas tree
on their grave; other mementoes or flowers or gifts of
some kind at other times of the year and the grave is
always clean and well-tended. It makes me feel so
sorry for those parents who lost both of their
children at once and so young, and it makes me thank
God for my own two kids.

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