
I was just wondering if you have heard of this European singer Espen Lind.
He has a new album out and the first track was called "Joni Mitchell on
the Radio". After reading the lyrics of the song, I realized that, like
Suzanne Vega's TOM'S DINER (though I hesitate to make him equal to
Suzanne), it was just an objective correlative to a feeling -- which is
longing for someone.
I don't know if this can be classified under Joni in Fiction since it is
an audio track, but since the lyrics can stand on their own, I figured it
can be included in your project.
np: duke ellington: "come sunday"

> Thanks, Rob, but that Joni mention from "Emotionally Weird" by Kate
> Atkinson  is already featured in the new Joni in Fiction section, along
> with 70 other  references! (I believe Catherine McCay is credited with
> telling us about that  one.) But if you want to know what to read next,
> take a look at Joni in  Fiction. She getting mentioned in some pretty
> surprising and even strange  places!
> Thanks,
>    --Bob

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