> Almost every artist borrows from other, older sources.  It's how the source
> material is used that counts.  'Silky Veils of Ardor' has bits of lyrics
> from several old folk songs but Joni rearranges them and weaves them into a
> completely new work that is uniquely her own.  The same with 'Slouching
> Toward Bethlehem.'  I would not call this plagiarism or lack of 
> originality.

i always thought there was something familiar about 'silky veils of ardor.' i 
remember a particular line in the song, which escapes me now,  that i knew 
came from another song. i remember hearing that song later and that light 
bulb appearing like a halo over my head. a similar experience happened with 
'moon at the window' from WTRF. there is the line " people don't know how to 
love, they taste it and toss it, turn it off and on like a bathtub faucet " ( 
ooh,ooh...)  the love/faucet idea is from an old jazz standard,
which also escapes me, i am almost certain it is on a billie holiday 
recording in my collection. ( gosh ! alot of stuff seems to be escaping me 
today. i must be riding another one of those pesky little air pockets in my 
brain ! )  this whole thread about borrowing reminds me of the idea that the 
best art is based on what has come before  it and that nothing is totally 
original but just a reworking , a new way of seeing or expressing age old 
ideas. just a thought...

dream on, dream on, dream on,
warren keith

p.s. did anyone catch cassandra wilson on bravo ? it was outstanding, i would 
love to see joni on one of the installments !

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