My vacation has been good in some ways and not so in others.  It has been
somewhat anticlimactic as I search for things to do, at least things that I
want to do that fit into the image one gives themselves as they wait in
anticipation of those coming days. Akin to the Saturday Night Swindle it is.
This time off has been lovely yet lonely, exciting yet fruitless, and
unadorned by the companionship THAT I SEEK  while I purposely avoid those that
offer themselves to me.   I went down to the pickup station and, again, lived
the lines that Joni sings about in that particular tune.  I found myself in an
area that some would deem unsavory and, in truth, it is so.  Dangerous, dark,
and full of individuals looking for their own way.   Avoiding the places full
of cardboard cutouts (pretty gay men in tight clothing, poppers,
one-upmanship, stereotypical homosexuals with emptiness where genuine emotion
and thought should be), I searched for and found the den of drug dealing,
prostitution, and the homeless.  Why?  Can't explain it though have surmised
it is the inner me looking for the thrills that are so absent in this life
that I live.  Find so many of my thoughts and actions traveling along inside
my head and during my life in tune and in unison with what Joni has sang to
me.  Not necessarily following her blindly but she has the ability to know and
to put down the intricacies inside of our heads and our souls, before they
even happen.  Maybe the commonality of us all yet I don't think so since so
many just do not get it.  It is not easy to admit to oneself that they want to
go to the dark side of their inner being.  Not as eloquent as our dear friend
but the raw part of this being wants to be just that, throwing away goodie
pretention but is constrained by religious dogma, well-smellt baskets, and the
infernal, eternal right thing to do.  "a park, a bridge, a tree, a river."
Been there, done that, countless and eternally have done that.  Stuck to this
place and this life by familial obligation, fear, and uncertainty; as the
years pass, the wrinkles grow, and my spirit slowly dies away.  Got to find
the way out of this bottle that I am in, somehow.  The end result of it all is
that it is down to you and down to me.


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