kakki wrote:

> Ransy wrote:
> > While research roots may reach into the 1970's, it was, of course
> > Reagan who aggressively lobbied for this multimillion dollar
> > boondoggle.
> Why is it a boondoggle?

It's a boondoggle because the zillions will benefit the defense
industry, but not make us any safer

> Isn't it better to have a non-nuclear defensive
> shield in place than a nuclear one which was the defensive shield option set
> up prior to that time?

We will still have the nukes.

> The two superpowers at the time were both developing
> it.

If Johnny across the street jumped off the roof, would you?

> >And even though Bush is busy pushing the plan
> > now, it was Clinton who took it out of mothballs and revived it.
> > In the debates Gore was in favor of it, too.
> Well, we've all invested our taxpayer dollars in it for over thirty years so
> why not get it up and running rather than mothball it?

 Because it won't work. "Like hitting a bullet with a bullet"
If Bush was serious about any of this, he wouldn't be shredding
the non-proliferation treaties.

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