My husband and I are "co-reading" this book right now (The Dancing Wu Li 
Masters).....we just came across a section about the wondrously 
inconceivable narure of the universe, how as a cog in the wheel we are part 
of the motion, part of the dance, no separation, how wisdom guides you 
further than knowlegde. Compassionate intuition soars much closer to truth. 
I think the difference between wisdom and knowledge is important to ponder.
Well......In most of my conversations I can relate the topic back to a Joni 
lyric and sure enough this time was no exception.
     "No one knows, They can never get that close..Guesses as most."
I know that "Sweetbird" has been analyzed many many times but I just have to 
add my 2 cents. This line has been ringing in my head for DAYS now. I was 
just wondering if anyone else has read this book? I am not trying to bring 
up "Sweetbird" discussions of old....just had a Joni moment I wanted to 
share :)
NP: The fuzzing static of the baby monitor...........

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