Fred wrote: 

>The concern is that this is a very dangerous 10 degree obsidian slope, on 
>which we will surely lose our grip on freedom.

Fred, as I mentioned, very Polyanna of me, but haven't we, to some extent already, 
lost part of that freedom?  What freedoms are you willing to relinquish in the fight 
against terrorism?  None?  I am only saying that if the government decides to do this 
and it is voted through (as Kakki thinks it won't be) then don't we have a duty to 

I hate to give up any freedom, and even balked when my state decided it was manditory 
to wear seat belts. "Seat belts" I cried, "are only for bad drivers!"  Of course this 
isn't true, and it is for my own good that I now buckle up, but I did give up a right 
to decide what risk I took while driving.

Sorry to drone on, but I believe that we gave up more than just some of our freedom on 
September 11th.  We now have the reality of terrorism, any time, any place.  Oklahoma 
City was a bit of a wake up call, and at that time we lost the freedom to cruise down 
Pennsylvania Avenue if I am not mistaken.  We lost the freedom to ever drive a Ryder 
truck and park it outside a federal building.

We lost so much more than human life on September 11th.  Our N.Y. skyline gouged out.  
The WTC, a symbol of all that we believe in, American capitalism, brought down like a 
house of cards.  Is it really too much to ask that we look out for each other in an 
organized, concerted effort?

Sue, a.k.a. Polyanna

n.p.  Lulu "To Sir With Love" 

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