Sue wrote:

>> What freedoms are you willing to relinquish in the fight against
terrorism?  None?  I am only saying that if the government decides to do
this and it is voted through (as Kakki thinks it won't be) then don't we
have a duty to obey? <<

I am not a US citizen but I don't think any citizen of any country has a
duty to blind obedience. I could be wrong, legally speaking, but I would
say that citizens have a moral duty to change bad laws rather than obey
them. This they can do by writing to their elected representatives,
voting, protesting in the street and / or any legal ways they feel to be

Sue went on:
>> it is for my own good that I now buckle up, but I did give up a right
to decide what risk I took while driving.<<

Is this really such a big right to lose, the right to fly through the
windscreen, possibly losing your head in the process?

Sue continued:
>> The WTC, a symbol of all that we believe in, American capitalism,
brought down like a house of cards. <<

To which Fred replied

>>It's not a symbol of what I believe in. And I know I'm not the only

I'm with Fred here.

Sue continued:
>> Is it really too much to ask that we look out for each other in an
organized, concerted effort?<<

No it isn't, but that is not what the TIPS programme sounds like to me.

Kakki is right when she says >> This one is a bad and dumb idea.<<

Resist it, it's your duty.

Mike in Barcelona.


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