thanks for the great intro Mary.  I guess the way to learn about 'us'
is to keep reading and watch as the personalities take flight before
you. It is a wonderful space to learn about all things Joni, which
serves as a spring board to more than that. The NJC space seems to be
where the life stories fall. 

I discovered Joni Mitchell while doing a late shift at a distress
centre in small town Ontario years ago, and from there, my life has
taken many a turn, with Joni at my side every step of the way. It is
often said that the lyrics and music of Joni Mitchell can be seen as
the sound track to a life, our life. 

Court and Spark was the first album of Joni's that I heard, and from
there, I turned to Blue and Ladies of the Canyon.

Not only will you receive the Joni education of a lifetime, you just
never know who you will meet in Jmdl*land and how your life will

again, a warm welcome to you,

Mags, in South Jersey

npimh: i am a canadian.

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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