Things have finally quieted down around here so I can participate a wee bit. I gave up 
and deleted the bazillion pieces of email sitting in my AOL account that have built up 
over the past few months and am starting fresh from the most recent digest.

(1) Joni Content as measly as it is first:

While at the gym, I was flipping through last week's issue of either Entertainment 
Weekly, US, People or Accounting Review Daily, (who can keep 'em straight), and 
noticed a "celebrity look alike" section. They put Aimee Mann down as morphing into 
Joni Mitchell, using the photo of JM taken from the Last Waltz with her guitar, 
burgundy danskin, wrap skirt and thunderhead necklace. Even without my glasses, that 
picture of Joni caught my eye right off the bat.

(2)Newcomer Mary Casey writes:

> I am a graphic designer in Sacramento, California. 

Very Groovy! Not many, (that I know of), list members in the capitol area. I live in 
Davis and work just outside Sacramento. Been here for 9'ish years. 

(3) Ongoing discussion about TIPS:

The luck of the draw has me spending a fair amount of time with a group of fairly 
conservative people. Their stance on this is: "if you have nothing to hide then what's 
the issue?" And sadly, I think that is a common enough sentiment with silent majority 
like folks. 

Personally, I am not a big fan of displaying the flag. If most of my neighbors have 
one out, am I report-worthy for that transgression? What if I simply can't afford to 
buy one or am too inept to get one hanging from my front porch? By the time that comes 
to light, what legal and pesonal expenses have I racked up to defend myself? Or will 
there be more subtle consequences?

As Kakki said, it's a bad and dumb idea and we can come up with a better one.

(4) Bruce!!!!!!!!

I have tickets to the August 27th show in San Jose! Anyone else on the list going to 
see the Boss?


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