Speaking of swooning... I enjoyed the Graham biography
on A&E last night. BUT, it should definitely have been
two hours long! I think I'll always have a bit of a
crush on him...

And, to add some Joni content (and repeat a story I'm
sure I must have told here...)

A while back, I went to a terrific concert in Montreal,
with CSN, Bruce Cockburn and others. Graham was
introducing "Our House." He said that many years before
he fell in love with a Canadian lady. I embarassed the
whole group I was with at that point by yelling "Yay
Joni!" Graham even paused for a second and kind of
chuckled, then said that yes, the lady was Joni.

Even though we stayed in the same hotel as CSN, and
spent some time hanging out by the elevators, we never
saw them.

lots of love

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