>From today's Washington Post:

A Day that Will Live in TV Infamy
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 1, 2002; 8:05 AM 

Are you ready for 9/11: The Sequel?

We're not talking about another terrorist attack. We're talking about the anniversary 
of the first one.

In case you hadn't heard, there's going to be a big media blowout. Huge. Vast. 
Massive. Inescapable.

Will we maybe, just possibly witness the unedifying spectacle of the media going 

Is the Pope Catholic?

Sure, it's important to remember the victims of terrorism and the enormity of the 
event (although we've never been a big fan of media-driven anniversary stories). But 
with the coming avalanche of headlines and hours of television coverage, are we going 
to be subjected to the endless images of the towers collapsing again, like a horror 
film that just keeps on replaying all day long?

Will the media be covering the news or just manipulating our emotions for ratings 


More here:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30277-2002Aug1.html


As for me, I'll be turning the TV off that day.  Won't you join me?


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