Somebody recently was referring to not caring as much for CLOUDS. Here's
what Joni herself says in the famous 1979 Cameron Crowe interview listed in
today's articles: 1979: "The Rolling Stone Interview" - Rolling Stone
(Interview, with photographs)

"For instance, I don't care too much for the second album I made {Clouds}. I
like the first one; the first one's honest. Blue is an honest album. Clouds
has some honest moments on it, but at the time, I was singing a lot with
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, and they had a style, out of necessity, to
blend with one another. They had a way of affecting vowel sounds so that
when they sang together, they would sing like a unit. I picked up on that,
and there's a lot of that on the album. I find it now kind of irritating to
listen to, in the same way that I find a lot of black affectations
irritating. White singers sounding like they come from deep Georgia, you
know? It always seems ridiculous to me. It always seemed to me that a great
singer-now we're talking about excellence, not popularity-but a great singer
would sing closer to his or her own speaking voice."



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