As a metro Cincinnati resident (across the historic Ohio River in northern
Kentucky), I found it really, really weird to read that article.  The
article's take was that the champion of the little guy, Bruce, was
desecrating the site where the police messed up "Public Safety" and 11 kids
got the air squeezed out of their lungs for too many consecutive minutes.

The trouble is, I couldn't make up my mind who let me down the most.
Consider this: Which party abused their public trust more?  The police who
(Ha!) screwed up big time, or the blue-collar poet who (Ha!) rushed to the
fore with a new album about rebuilding a community only to trample the
memory of a PREVIOUS decade's fallen innocents.  That's what it's like here.
It's too charged.  There's an old saying about "Don't barter with them.  If
you offer an inch they take a mile."  So everyone here tries to grab a mile.

My solution:
For the life of the BUILDING they should never allow festival seating in the
building formerly known as "Riverfront Coliseum".  The building owner, the
City of Cincinnati, should just not negotiate on that one point on any
contract.  Maybe the biggest screwup is that the City ITSELF exempted this
show, overruling a "No Festival Seating" statute.  Are we so focused on
healing "911" that we cast aside the painful lesson of just 20 years ago?

At the Springsteen show, will the cops only open ONE door,  as they did for
the Who concert, inciting a crush by 30,000 people all trying to use a
SINGLE door?

Maybe nobody cares cause we're so focussed on THE LATEST PASSING PHASE: 911,


" meet The New Boss (Ha!)
  same as the old boss."

Bree said,
>>>>>>For the first time since 11 concert-goers were killed at Riverfront
Coliseum(Cincinnati)(Who concert) 23 years ago, festival seating will be
allowed at the arena at Bruce's request.

The Cincinnati police dept.  have given BRUCE a one-time variance for his
Nov,22 concert.

Bruce was the top story in Wednesday's paper....front page...

I've attached the have to bend the neck a little to read


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