--- Scott and Jody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Happy Birthday Les!!!!!

warmest birthday wishes to you Les!!!
> <<<<For this years Birthday, I promise not to write you about all my
> computer woes as I have in the past.  Even though I can't access Map
> of
> the world (It says I need a new Browser) >>>>

Sweet Jody Blue Eyes, I had the same deal and 'simply' d/l a newer
version of Netscape. (only took an hour ack!!) yes i guess it has
something to do with the antiquated computer i have. Alas and alack, it
works fine. So there you have it. The only thing is... can I edit the
flag??? I want a Canadian one there, since it's the only sign of Canada
Ive seen since being here!!
> >
> Yeah, What DBF Jimmy said:~)  Where would we be without you Les? 

Now, that's an understatement if I ever heard one! 'We' wouldnt be 'we'
without you Les. 

> <<Thank
> you for ALL that you do!  Yes we do, we love ya!>>>

ditto on all accounts,


You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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