> Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 15:51:38 +0100
> From: "Garret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: joni's fingernails
> Does Joni have long fingernails?

On her right hand (strumming hand) Yes! On the left, I'm not positive, but I think 
they must be kept reasonably short. Long nails on the fretting hand makes playing 

> Do they interfere with her guitar playing?

See above for left hand nails.
The long nails on her right hand are an integral part of her playing style and her 
acoustic guitar sound. All the "clicks" and "slaps" she uses when playing acoustic 
work best with good length nails. Also, the attack you get when you play the strings 
with nails is an important part of her sound. Using the fleshy part of the fingers 
wouldn't sound the same. You get extra "bite" when playing with nails.


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