...and I'm spotting people in the supermarket who look
like JMDLers.  Then all of a sudden, I'm back in the 
Catskills, shortly before ramming someone's ankles with
my trolley, uh, cart.  Most of C&S is running around in 
my head...

  when there's so much laugher
  when there's so much spark
  when there's so much sweetness in the dark

followed by 

  do you think this can be real?

All the while, I'm *supposed* to be writing a presentation
due in tomorrow, and a V.A.T. return due in the day before 

Are there any "inverse Prozac" drugs I can take to actually
*focus* the mind?  Answers on a (Catskills) postcard.

Straw poll: are the withdrawal symptoms worse this year than



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