Well, y'all--

I'm finally getting around to getting caught up on my sleep, and putting my
fest thoughts down on the screen.  How to describe highlights of Jonifest,
2002, when there were so many for me?  And what else can be said about Bryan
Thomas, Sherelle Smith, Kay Ashley, and Henning and Christina ("Big Yellow

Maybe not a lot, but I'll try.  At least some of my favorite 'fest memories,
however, will be completely idiosyncratic, based on isolated moments that few
or no other people may have been around to appreciate.

For starters:

--A beautiful, clear, almost other-worldly version of Leonard Cohen's
"Halleluia" on the porch of the 'Lez Cottage, courtesy of Victor Johnson and
Yael Harlap, on an unforgettable, crisp, late-summer day.  One recommendation,
and only one:  next year, take it to the main stage!

--the songwriters' workshop, ably facilitated by Kate Bennett and Jeff Bisch.
Thanks so much to all the talented musicians and writers who dared to expose
their beloved creations to critique, and who welcomed me as a participant with
open arms, even though I did yet not have a song to contribute to the circle.
However, thanks in large part to your inspiration, perhaps by this time next
year, I will.

--My wonderful, utterly one-of-a-kind 'fest roomies, Susan Guzzi and Lori Fye.
What can I say?  You gals are the BEST!!!!!

--Seeing so many fellow alums of the very first Jonifest in Pittsburgh in
1998:  Patrick Leader, Sherelle Smith, Lamadamadingdong, and Pearl Weisberg,
to name a few.

--Meeting those who were on the list when it was just, as someone joked during
their set, four people sitting around talking to one another:  Les Irvin, Sue
MacNamara (it's about TIME!  ;-) ), and Lori Fye, for starters.  From a
slightly later vintage, it was great to finally meet Roberto Hollister and
Susan Guzzi.

--Les Ross's set.  How to get across the  Essence of Les?  "Les is More" might
be the best way to do it.  It's hard to describe the beautiful economy with
with this man sings, plays, and writes:  never wasting a note, or a phrase, or
a word, but including just enough to quietly and effectively break your heart.
His original song was memorable and touching at the deepest levels, but his
surprise ending on "Woodstock," which may have been devised in collaboration
with Anne Sandstrom, still sends chills down my spine.

--Pearl Weisberg, who gave us a lovely, heartfelt set of Early Joni, mainly
(completely?) from "Song to a Seagull."  Pearl and her husband, Steve, have
been on the Joni bandwagon from the very earliest days of her recorded work,
and it shows in the devotion with which Pearl sings these songs!  Her voice is
pure, true, and so evocative of that earlier time in Joni's life, and in

--Sherelle Smith, who not only performs a mean Joni cover, but whose original
material stands up to absolutely anyone's.  She can sing!  She can write!
What CAN'T this amazing talent do? But incredibly, Sherelle's vocals on those
original tunes, which are found on her demo CD, were even better live than
they were on the recording, if that can be imagined.

--Several beautiful collaborations between list members, including one by John
Van Tiel and Claudia San Soucie, and another by Hell from NZ and Marian
Russell, which I will play in my head for a long, long time.

--Claud and John's cover of a David Olney song, which will remain on Automatic
Repeat on my car's CD player for said long time.

--Les Irvin, Master of the Mandolin.  Give this man his own set in 2003!

--Bob Muller, who sailed through his ambitious, difficult set with grace and
applomb.  Result:  Bob, you get perfect 6's for both artistry and technical
merit!  You're the Sarah Hughes of Jonifest, 2002!  <g>

Rumor has it that "Talk to Me" had never before been performed at Jonifest,
but Bob's version will now be a signature moment.  Moreover, Bob's cover of
Tom Waits' "Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis" now has various 'fest
attendees madly scrambling to buy all the Waits CDs in their local record
stores in a whole bunch of countries.

--All our JMDL couples so happy together--not to mention, in some cases, on
the same continent for a change!  Mags and Brei's Honeymoon Song Circle Sunday
night/Monday morning.

--Special conversations with Walt Breen, Sue McNamara, and Lieve Reckers, to
name a few.

--Walt's birthday wishes to me (in front of a microphone!) on early Monday
morning.  For those who weren't there, Walt asked me how old I was in the
course of a normal conversation shortly after midnight;  when I looked at my
watch before answering, this gentle, mild-mannered man got an absolutely
diabolical gleam in his eye.  ;-)

--Victor's heartfelt, personal serenade of "happy f*cking birthday" several
minutes later.

--John and Bette, even before they sang for their supper!

--Sharon Buffington, taking us to other worlds and times with her evocative
accordion playing.

--JODY JOHNSON.  Is this woman secretly the energizer bunny, or what??!  If
someone were to be awarded the JMDL Spirit Award for 2002 (and wouldn't THAT
be a tough choice??), my nomination would be Jody, who happened to be the
first 'fest attendee to greet me.  And for every second thereafter, she was
EVERYWHERE:  in rehearsal;  quietly sitting in on workshops, less quietly on
hand in the pool hall and song circles at all hours of the day and night,
providing support when needed, and just overall having a grand old time.
Jody, when you successfully bottle whatever it is that you've got, I want

--and of course, the song circles.  The food.  The impromptu rehearsal outside
the 'Lez Cottage on Friday night, which seemed to draw about half of the 'fest
at one point.  The double-takes as new faces were matched up to long-familiar
names:  "Oh, YOU'RE  (fill in the blank).  The old familiar Jonifest Sleep
Deprivation Buzz.  The infectious enthusiasm of the A Capella workshop.  My
wonderful and very talented Ambassador, Allison Einerson.  And more things and
people than I can possibly list here.  However, if you think your name belongs
in this post, then it almost certainly does!  Everyone there, no exeptions,
provided at least one moment that *somebody* will never forget.

But one of my overall favorite moments--OK, collection of moments--has to be:

----drum roll----

--Being part of that great new internationally-acclaimed supergroup,

Now for those who weren't there, I can't divulge the names of the other active
and supporting members of Sugarpants, or I would have to kill you.  You'll
just have to come next year and find out--that is, if we're not touring Europe
then.  I'll have to check with our agent.

However (and in all seriousness), my friendship with this wonderful and wise
group of women is and continues to be a very great blessing, and I am thankful
for it every day of my life.

Even if we might need just a little more polish before we take our act on the
road.  ;-)

And that's it from your erstwhile reporter in Madison, WI!

Signing off,

Mary P.

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