I am STILL trying to figure out what to do with my life when I grow up, but
then I digress. LOL! Flat Tires is a great tune. I love that album. It's a
falling in love album (which is a good thing). How about Shiny Toys as a
least fave? Don't worry Don Rowe is gone and won't have a shit hemmorage
over that one.. HEH hee.



P.S. Just hear your acapella of Urge just a while ago and OHMYGAWD, it is
awesome! Jack has been gushing about you a lot lately too. He has the
spazmotic forthcomings of images from the fest and keeps thanking me over
and over again. Today it was gushings about your set and esp. song circel
stuff and Christina and Henning's record (which he listened to today on the
way back from the northshore across the worlds longest (24miles) bridge.

on 9/2/02 7:03 PM, Jenny Goodspeed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It's Monday night after a long weekend. I realize another symptom of
> post-jonifest syndrome is loss of interest in things that don't really matter
> to me - I have no desire to watch T.V - no loss there - but I now dread the
> thought of going to my mildly interesting once-tolerable day job - the job I'm
> at until I figure out what I *really* want to do with my life. Anyone else?

> I thought Dream Flat Tires was my least favorite Joni song until I heard Paz
> play it. Now I have to find another one! 

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