It's Monday night after a long weekend. I realize another symptom of post-jonifest syndrome is loss of interest in things that don't really matter to me - I have no desire to watch T.V - no loss there - but I now dread the thought of going to my mildly interesting once-tolerable day job - the job I'm at until I figure out what I *really* want to do with my life. Anyone else?
Okay now that I've got that off my chest, these are just a few of my favorite Jonifest things... Marian's cover of Ray's Dad's Cadillac. I'm in awe of her guitar playing and voice - so sweet and poignant. I thought Dream Flat Tires was my least favorite Joni song until I heard Paz play it. Now I have to find another one! Yael's bright and shiny voice - and a personality to match. Victor's exquisite cover of Judgement of the Moon and Stars Kate and Jeff who quietly contributed so much throughout the weekend -thank you for leading an incredible (three hanky) songwriting workshop. Yael, Victor, Les, Donna, Marian, and Claud thank you for sharing such beautiful, heartfelt music at the workshop - you all inspire me in different ways. Mary, thank you for your thoughtful contributions too. Person who suprised me the most...Barbara during the song circles. Damn! Where did that voice come from? My roommates the party animals. No matter how I tried, I always went to bed HOURS and HOURS before Nikki and Rose did. Put me to shame. Loved Chuck's "karaoke" set. And his dry and deadpan movements during the instrumental sections of his songs. Bob Muller's and Jack's sets killed me, but I think I've already gushed about them. I loved every moment Alison opened her mouth - singing I mean, not cursing ; ). Her voice is so souful and just divine. Henning playing Here Comes the Sun Christina's Amazing Grace Pearl, I enjoyed singing and talking with you and hearing about your early singing days. So glad you're back at it. Singing JT with Ashara and Chuck on the front porch. Finding out Patrick and Bob Muller are Stephen Schwartz fans. A zillion other moments big and small - Thank you Ashara and everyone else who contributed to creating this weekend that will stay with me a lifetime. Jenny Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes