I guess it's finally time to write my Jonifest report, jet-lagged as I am
(it's funny how 5pm feels like midnight)!  Unfortunately (or fortunately,
depending on how you look at it) I didn't keep a diary this year, so I have
to rely on my increasingly failing memory.  I'll try not to make stuff

Again the question arises whether or not to make this NJC, but maybe it
might entice a few more people to sign up for next year!

I arrived in the US (Milwaukee) a few days before the fest, after
experiencing a 24-hour delay earlier in the year - I didn't want to risk
missing our flights to Albany!  Kerry and I left for the airport in
Milwaukee at around 5am on Friday 23rd for a 6.40am flight to Chicago (with
Susan Guzzi seated just behind us for the next leg to Albany).  It's fair to
say we weren't terribly alert until reaching the Albany baggage area, when
Donna "Texas Tush" Binkley managed to terrify a few Yankees with screams of
greeting!  That woke us up!

We jumped in a rental car and headed for Full Moon, with 497 pieces of
luggage between us.  We had a couple of stops along the way for
directions/food/alcohol (several stops for the latter).  Good old Charlie in
Albany (of Charlie's Ice Cream Van) directed us with frantic hand signals
for at least 200 metres - honestly, we would have gotten lost on that
straight piece of road without him ;o)  Mind you, there were three of the
infamous "Boston Babes" in the car, so maybe his intuition that we needed
"special help" wasn't so far off the mark!

We arrived at Full Moon around 4pm to be greeting in style by fellow
fest-goers clutching cold beers - a sight to soothe the soul (mine, anyway)!

Registration followed and an introductory talk by Ashara with the
presentation of "the dingo".  So much for my thinking that the dingo jokes
had run their course - Ashara had managed to buy a stuffed dingo via someone
in Australia (remind me to "thank" him in person when I find out who was
responsible) to present to me.  Serves me right for making fun of her, I
suppose!  Seriously, it was a very nice gesture, and I submit humbly, and
will endure the dingo jokes forever more - albeit with a slightly strained
smile!  And thanks for the t-shirt and the mouse pad - completely unexpected
(unnecessary even), but I love them!

I should add that Full Moon is one of the most gorgeous places around.
Completely secluded, it's surrounded by wooded hills.  No traffic noise, no
neighbours to upset (just as well, in view of later events), and a
completely natural, rustic (but incredibly well-appointed) facility.  If
anyone is hesitant about coming next year, do it just for the resort - it's
worth it even without the music (yes, I really said that)!  Perhaps the only
thing missing (something mentioned by several different people) was the
absence of the round table from Ashara's deck!  A larger outdoor
conversation area would be a great improvement, and I thought at times we
might have "fisticuffs" over who got to sit in those very comfortable
chairs - not nearly enough to go around!

Dinner followed, then it was up to the Performance Space for the first
official performances.  I say "official".  You don't have to go far at a
Jonifest to hear people playing music.  Just follow Victor around, and you
get 24-hour accompaniment!

I have to say something about the food.  All the vegetables are grown
organically on the site and every meal was incredible.  Great variety, and I
don't think anyone had any complaints.  I particularly liked the "New
Zealand Sweet Potato Chowder" listed on the menu in the lobby!  Although I
have to say, I don't think they were the genuine article ;o)!

I said this last year, but the performances seem to get better and better at
every Jonifest.  Friday night's performances were wonderful.  If I list all
my favourites, you'll still be reading this on the way to the airport for
next year's fest, so I'm not going to single anyone out (maybe later)!

After the performances, we had a wee get-together at the now infamous
Lesbian Cottage, where Susan aka "Ethel" Guzzi gave us a sneak preview of
what was to become the Merman Trio!  Giselle played guitar (superbly) and we
had a good, old sing-along until Henry told us off for making too much
noise!  So we shifted around to the back of the cottage, where presumably
we'd only be keeping the bears awake.  We headed to bed around 3am, mindful
of three more days of this insanity!  Although I think that was the earliest
night we had!

Saturday was rainy and not too warm, unfortunately, so was spent milling
around indoors, and even a nap featured (I must be getting old)!  At 7pm it
was back up to the Performance Space for a beer or two before the next round
of performances.  I'd list my favourites here too, except I'd be listing
everyone!  Honestly, this was amazing - everyone just blew me away.  But a
big special thank you to Marian for taking my words and turning them into
something so much more special - maybe we can do it again some time?!

Sunday followed the same format as Saturday, except that Kerry and I managed
to "do a Joni" and miss Woodstock!  We'd intended on going, but due to an
inability to make up our minds when we wanted to go, we managed to turn down
all the offers we had of a ride!  Maybe next year?  At least I hope it won't
take as long as Joni to get there (30 years)!

We also participated in an unscheduled workshop, The JMDL Dating Club
Support Group.  Ironically we'd joked about this before Jonifest - I never
thought it would happen for real!  For those who don't know, the outcome was
that we've all changed partners, and I'm marrying Bob Murphy, as soon as he
gets that "Ethel" thing under control.  I'm not holding my breath.....

The performances on Sunday were just as impressive as previous nights.
Again, I'd be listing everyone if I singled out my favourites, but I hope
everyone that played this year, will be permanent fixtures in the future!
Les Ross made the comment that you could pay hundreds of dollars to attend a
music festival, and still not see the quality of musicians that we witnessed
over these three days, and I definitely agree.  It makes me wish I could
play something, and much to Kerry's dismay I've expressed an interest in
learning the trumpet (she mentioned the word "mute" quite a lot - I wonder
why?).  Mark Isham eat your heart out, I say!

Monday was a little depressing, saying goodbye to everyone, but we travelled
with Ed, Jimmy and Bob Muller to Albany, so we got to prolong the final
goodbyes for a few more hours!  We had a great chat with Bob in Albany after
Jimmy and Ed had headed off, and met up with Susan again for the flight to
Chicago.  United (in their wisdom) had decided to cancel our final flight to
Milwaukee, but since our flight from Albany to Chicago arrived early, we
managed to snag two seats on an earlier flight, and arrived home three hours
earlier than expected, and our luggage even made it, too!  Susan, sorry our
goodbye at O'Hare was so brief, I was looking forward to another chat, but
we only just made it, so it was just as well we raced off when we did!

Then it was back to Milwaukee and another week with my beloved before
heading back down under.  Which is cold, wet, dreary and most definitely NOT
where I want to be!  Hey Les, doesn't the JMDL need a full-time ColdFusion
Developer to work on the website?  I could start tomorrow?!  Boy, if dreams
came true.....

I'll close by mentioning a few of the funnier and/or special moments I
witnessed (in no particular order):

Anne's pre-recorded opening song on Friday night - the perfect start to the
weekend, although it would have been more perfect to have you there in

Particular performances that stand out:  Sherelle, Bryan, Marian, Claudia,
Kay, Bob Muller, Gisele, Jack, and definitely a whole lot more that my
travel-weary mind has forgotten for the moment!

Claudia performing Conversation at my request (still my favourite Claud -
you're going to have to sing it every year, you realise that, don't you?!)

Heading out alone to the deck at the Performance Space for a quiet,
comtemplative cigarette, gazing at the stars, and hearing the strains of
Ethel Merman (in triplicate) coming through the dark and the pinewood
trees.... the serenity did NOT last, particularly as I was doubled over with

Seeing the video of the "Blair Witch Ethel Merman Project" - lighting by
Henry.  Be afraid, be very afraid!

Seeing Ashara (and Maggie) relaxing, and really enjoying everything without
the stresses of previous years.

Bob Murphy standing at the bar as I walked up, and with a lascivious wink,
asking "So..... you want a green card?"

Spending 4 days not just with the nicest people in the world, but spending
them with Kerry.  Particularly appropriate considering the reason we found
each other in the first place!  Now if I could just spend EVERY day with

I'll echo my sentiments from last year.  If you've ever entertained the
smallest idea of going to Jonifest, start making plans now.  You just can't
have a bad time!

Hell - pretty sad down here all by myself!
"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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