If you are French, don't get your knickers in a twist! This wa sonly our

Once off the train and into France, we drove toward Rouen on the m/way.
You pay to use these, and it cancelled out the much cheaper cost of
fuel. The first service area we stooped at was good. Good food and cheap
and good service. (unlike Britian where such areas are crap, food is
crap and expensive).
The roads were relatively empty. We arrived at our first hotel in Le
Man. le Man was not a nice place.
The restaurent we ate in was good food BUT tiny portions! The main meal
was just the meat with one fancy cut potatoe and a slice of tomato. No
veggies. Not even available separately. Oh well, i thought we will
finish with cheese and biscuits. When it arrived we had various lovely
cheeses but no biscuits! Just a knife and fork!
We left early the following morning. the weather was dull and wet. we
went via Tours and Limoge. We eneded up driving all the way to our
destination, Cardedeu, which is juts outside Barcelona, Spain.
The 'scenery' was disappointing. We did plenty of off m'way driving but
saw nothing much, only lots of run down villages and towns.(really our
opinion of France changes later).

(One thing I was very disappointed with in France and Germany was how
Americanised it had all become-fast food all over and those shopping
malls and conglomerations of business etc all by the roads etc. It was
not what i had expeeireinced all those years ago).

Howeever, everywhere we stopped, service was very good, polite and
friendly. I was suprised at how much French i understood.)

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
Passap 6000, Duo80,Creation 6


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