Now this was how I remembered it. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

We had lunch by the lake in Geneva. Whilst doing so, I turned and saw a
very elegant lady wlking along the promendae, with the most gorgeous Pug
puppy. It was edible! Really really cute. iwanted tot kae it home. I
went up to the lady and aksed if I could pet it and then picked it up.
It licked my wall over. Such a sweety. i then asked if I could
photograph it. The lady has seemd a bit off at first but then relaxed
and agreed. she came over to our table and suggested John should hold
the puppy while I took the pictures. at this moment, our waitress
suddenly appeard, was rude, got int wqay and mumb;ed on in French which
I did not understand. the lady with the Pug got uptight ut we stood our
ground, told thew  waitress we were trying to take a pictuire and
eventaully she went away and we did. John, understood what had gone on
and explained to me that the lady witht he Pug was a high class call
girl and the waitress had wrongly assumed we were making a deal!!!!

So on we go, driving around Lake Geneva. I decided I had had enough of
being a wimp, and wanted to see the view from high up. So we drove up
the mountians. My car is a 1.7 Turbo diesel. Well, in second gear,m I
managed to slowly ascend the norrow road. Yet a woman in a tiny car, was
anxoiu to pass me. I managed to pull in enough for her do so and up whe
whizzzed. i still don't understadn how she could go so fast. Never mind
the danger. How did her car do it?

The way down was fun. No barriers to stop you going off the road. My
hands hurt from gripping the wheel. I wasn't so bad tho as I realised
the trees would stop us falling too far off the mountian.
(Unforunately, when we stopped at servcie areas throughout our trip to
admire the view, we could neevr see it becasue the service areas and had
trees planted which obscured the view!!!!)

Anywa, we continued out drive toward Germany. After a while, the signs
changed form French to German and the language changed too. In
Stwizerland, they speak 3 languages, the two mentioned and Italian. We
had driven thru the French part and now into the German part.

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
Passap 6000, Duo80,Creation 6


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