So we left Puttgarden wiht our new dog, Kamau(have to change that).
Dorev thru desnely populated prts of Germany, heavy industry and towns.
Got to Holland and immediately relaxed agsain as they have speed limits.

Not oong in Holland and then into Belgium. Here is where the trouble
started. We were on the M/way heading toward the Chunnel. A trip that
should have taken 3 hours from our last overnight stay in Germany. It
took 12 hours. The Belgians decided that a part of the M/way we were
using need repair. so they closed it and chucked us all off the m/way.
It took 3 hours just to do that. No diversion signs. NOTHING!!!!! We
followed the lorries and my guess was tright, they were going to Calais
too. We eventaully arrived at the Chunnel and just had time to get the
dog thru customs before embarking on the train. There was heart stopping
moment when the microhip reader couldn't find the dog's chip. But it
eventually beeped and we went on our way.

Although knackered, we had a wonderful time. We want to do it again, but
differently and not cover so many miles. Of course, we had to this time
as this was really a dog trip as we went to buy dogs.

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
Passap 6000, Duo80,Creation 6


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