Now Germany was gogwous too. From when we hit the mountians in Franc
all the way to Hamburg, it was mountains. About a 1000  miles worth.

Coffee in Germany was awful. Food was mostly fast. Neither of us spoke
any German of understood it so had big problems ordering food. Service
areas were okay as we could point to the food. Unfortuanely, it was all
havey on starch and not much in the way of veg. Tasted good tho! Peoiple
were firendly and sevrice good.

Schweinerschnizel(sp?) was the staple food it seemd. Even in the Chinese
restaurenat we ate in(cos the menu was in Engluish too) used it. i
ordered Shanghai ork and what I got was a huge plate of the stuff
covered a a sweet and  sour sauce!

If you are German, please excuse the following. The Germans are quite
mad. Their m/ways have NO speed limit!!!!!! I cannot understand why
their roads are not littered with wrecks and dead people. Mostly only 2
lanes m/ways as well, so one was either stuck behind a slow lorry or
gripping the wheel like crazy in the laft lane, with cars doing 130mph
suddenly honking up your arse to get out of they way when one had no
where to move over to! Very very scary and not at all relaxing! the
fasted I got to was 110mph but not for very long.

Also, the Germans appear to like to travel. Their roda werevery busy all
day and night. More so even than here in the UK.

However, Germany, wa sstill my favourite for scenery. Hospitallity was
good to.

We eveually got to our desination, Luebeck, which was a lovely old town.
We went on aboat trip. We stayed a good hotel with a wonderful 'capsule'
bathroom. I want one.
The following day we drove up to Puttgrden where the ferry to denmark
is. Very wild and windey. We met the lady we were meeting and took a dog
from her.(all previously arranged)

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
Passap 6000, Duo80,Creation 6


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