I know many of you might be tired of reading the fest reports and how 
wonderful all of the music and fellowships were, but I have to add one small 
enticement to get you to go to Jonifest 2003.  I know it's very minor in the 
scheme of things, but I did want to you to know how great some of the gifts, 
raffles, and door prizes were.

First of all, everyone who attended received wonderful coffee mugs that were 
designed by our own Hell.  We also got a great video of different Joni stuff 
that Ashara made.

As for the raffles, I want to thank everyone who donated the prizes, everyone 
who bought tickets (which raised over $600 for the JMDL website), and a 
special thanks to Sharon (the standup comic) Buffington for being in charge 
of this fund raiser.  Sharon would knock on your door at 5:00 a.m. and force 
you to buy a ticket :~)

Wonder why I mention this?  Because it was my lucky night.  In the raffle I 
won one of the best prizes.  A Starart book signed by Joni!!!!  (thanks so 
much for the donation Ric).  I also won a wonderful needlepoint piece of 
"Starry Starry Night" created by the multi talented Les Ross.  I won a 
beautiful book on post cards (thanks Alison), plus in the giveaways, I got 
the songbook to "Hissing of Summer Lawns" and a T-shirt from Joni's BSN tour. 

There were so many prizes that were donated and I think everyone walked away 
with something.  So that's just one more reason to attend the 2003 fest (in 
case you don't like music, hugging, talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and 
staying up late).


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