"I know it's very minor in the scheme of things, but I did want to you
to know how great some of the gifts, raffles, and door prizes were.
First of all, everyone who attended received wonderful coffee mugs that
were designed by our own Hell.  We also got a great video of different
Joni stuff that Ashara made."

Me now...I would also like to thank everyone who made
contributions...including Hell for her great art work.  It is not every
day one gets a mug in the shape of a dingo with Joni on the front of
it.  And thanks to Ashara for taking the time to make those videos of
Joni visiting Sesame Street. We loved Joni singing "Blue Motel Room"
with the Cookie Monster and "River" with Kermit the Frog.    
"As for the raffles, I want to thank everyone who donated the prizes, 
everyone who bought tickets (which raised over $600 for the JMDL

Me now...The raffle and give-away items were all so wonderful.  I also
want to thank all of you who bought so many tickets to support the
JMDL.  We had many great books, posters, CD's, songbooks, clothing, a
handmade sweater from Colin...many many wonderful things.  I am
constantly amazed at everyone's generosity. But...hey...this is what
Joni is all about.  

"Sharon who would knock on your door at 5:00 a.m. and force you to buy a
ticket :~)"

Me now...I thought 5AM was a good time since some people ...and they
know who they are...were just coming in their rooms after an all
nighter.  :) And Jimmy is the one who drove his big assed pimp-mobile up
to these people, extracted wads of money from their pockets and wrote
down all their names in a little black book. When some sobbed...he
offered orange juice to boost their blood sugar.  

"In the raffle I won one of the best prizes.  A Starart book signed by
Joni!!!!  (thanks so much for the donation Ric).  I also won a wonderful
needlepoint piece of "Starry Starry Night" created by the multi talented
Les Ross.  I won a beautiful book on post cards (thanks Alison), plus in
the giveaways, I got the songbook to "Hissing of Summer Lawns" and a
T-shirt from Joni's BSN tour."
Me now...I could not think of a better person to win that book Jimmy. :) 
Lots of Love...Your roomie down the line

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