Hell wrote, and our lovely Bee-girl, Sharon, responded:

"I still don't think I got the nose quite right, and
> some people were a little offended by the baby pacifier round the dingo's
> neck.  Still, all in a good cause, right?

And I think you ought to hawk those shirts...Mary Pitassi can play
guitar in the background. "

Me now.  So--my guitar playing ranks right up there in the world of high art
with dingo pacifiers, does it??!  Well, I NEVER . . .

Oh.  You'd moved on to discuss Hell's wonderful Joni shirts.  OK.

In the immortal words of Emily Litella, "Never mind!"  ;-)  ;-)

Mary P.
Still pursuing the muse in Madison, WI.

P.S.  I just HOWLED, envisioning that mug!!

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