Paz et al,

Congratulations, bud!

Helping in a tiny way with this project is literally a
dream come true for me!  When I was a kid reading
Rolling Stone and studying those photos by Annie
Lebowitz, I drempt of having musicians as friends and
being a kind of hanger-on with a camera.

While I wasn't completely sure when I saw the photo on
the tray (back), I thought it looked a lot like some
stuff I shot that day.  What a gas for me, I'll tell
ya!  I'm bonafide!  heh heh

Anyway, the real point is that you gave everyone an
avenue to help out people who really need it in
Honduras and for that, I'm proud to call you my
friend.  You are the best.


PS, You seem to be high on this "Bryan Thomas" person.
 Is he any good?

--- Michael Paz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I would like to thank everyone that helped me with
> this project and
> supported me throughout the process. Special thanks
> to Jim LamaDoo and Jack
> Merkel for fotos and artwork.
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