not to many artists ever go to Asia to perform (and if they do, they opt
for mainland Asia and not the Philippines). having said that, i really
enjoyed Kevyn Lettau live. she surpassed expectations with her vocal
instrument. she can sing ellington, jobim and joni with a high level of

i was also bowled over by the manhattan transfer almost 2 decades ago when
they toured asia. their four-part harmony is still unmatched. not even
take 6, new york voices or rare silk come close to their virtuousity (or
maybe because I am just a big fan).

and swing out sister's early 90s concert in manila was also smooth.
corrine drewery's alto-flute voice is as beautiful as she is onstage. she
moves her arms in that expansive way of hers and she recalls 1940s jazz

finally, acoustic alchemy (before nick webb died) really created a
soundscape so potent, i still get goose bumps remembering their guitar
wizardry. when they did "sarah victoria" while colored smoke billowed from
somewhere, you are transported to a land where mornings are still as
sublime and fresh and almost psychedelic.

the disappointing performers for me were: kenny rankin and this british
band workshy. rankin did not connect much to the audience. when he started
to sing "hiding inside myself" -- a huge hit here in manila, people
clapped appreciatively. he stopped playing and said along these lines:
"stop clapping. its rude to interrupt a performer when he is playing
something". people were disappointed and not a few heckled and booed him
and left.

workshy is a favorite band because of their smooth jazz sensibilities.
when vocalist crista jones went onstage, it was evident on the first song
that she had severe colds. she sang anyway, and people were seen cringing
when she tried to hit a high note but can't in carole king's "its too
late". people who were just as embarrassed as her just left the concert
hall in silence. it was pretty pathetic.

joseph in manila
(heard luciano pavarotti and frank sinatra separately in manila but was
not impressed... they were past their prime then)

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