At 9/24/2002 04:15 AM, Raffaele Malanga wrote:
 >I know that Joni and Emmylou have never collaborated but was 
wondering  what they think of each other...

Their paths crossed at least once that I know of, at the photo shoot for 
the November 2001 Vanity Fair cover.  This event took place on July 26, 
2001 and there is actually a picture of the two of them together:

Another Emmylou-Joni connection is that Brian Blade has recorded with both 
of them.

Could you also recommend any other CDs by her? Perhaps some of the early ones.

I'm partial to most of her earlier stuff (although Wrecking Ball is a 
You can't go wrong with any of these:

Elite Hotel
Pieces of the Sky
Luxury Liner
Roses in the Snow


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